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257 Acres Nacogdoches County ranch

873,800 USD
Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County, TX
8 view
Land ID: 73235 Update time: 2020-11-20 10:04:47
Trading years: permanent Size: 257ac
Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller

The ranch is located in Nacogdoches County, approximately 8 miles from downtown Nacogdoches southeast off of Highway 21.

75% of the property is cleared for grazing as well as over 4,200 ft of Carrizo Bayou frontage. Large live oaks and post oaks are scattered throughout the property.

The property offers a great amount of white-tailed deer and is a haven for migrating ducks looking for refuge. Other wildlife such as pigs, predators and many species of birds are found on the property.

The ranch has 4,200 ft of Carrizo Bayou frontage, and a water well is located on the property. 40 acres in the northern part of the property is located in the flood zone.

No electricity is found on the ranch but is found close by.

Up to 100% of minerals are negotiable. Seller owns 100% of minerals on 150 acres out of the 257 acres.


Transportation & Other Facilities

Highway: 30-60mins
Port: 30-60mins
High-speed railway:>60mins
Provincial/Interstate highway: >60mins
National highway:30-60mins
County road: 30-60mins
Township road:<30mins
Village road/Self-built road: <30mins
Water supply: well
Heat supply:
Communications: connectable
TV system:disconnected
Internet system: disconnected
Parking:basically complete
Education: to be improved
Medical treatment:to be improved
Sanitation: basically complete
Entertainment:basically complete
Food: basically complete
Attractions within 5 km:
Area of tenure(ac,sqm,ha):
Exclusive use area(ac,sqm,ha):
Apportioned area(ac,sqm,ha):
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Building area(ac,sqm,ha):
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Nearby industrial clusters:
Comfort index:
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